Where We Are

Over the duration of the 18-month scheme, every trainee will complete six placements, in a variety of locations.  Take a look below to see what everyone’s been up to:

TUI Grads go Global

2011 Intake…

Benjamin Cook

Placement 1: TCS & Starquest, Seattle, Washington, USA

Placement 2: Euro 2012 Accommodation Agency, Thomson Sport, Manchester, UK

Placement 3: Travel Sense, Copenhagen, Denmark

London 2012 Placement: Coach Host

Placement 4: Multichannel Distribution, Specialist Holidays Group, Crawley, UK

Ben Gill

Placement 1: Ecommerce; TUI Sport, Wimbledon, UK

Placement 2: Marketing; FanTravel, Seattle, USA

Placement 3: Sustainable Development; Specialist & Activity Sector, Crawley, UK

London 2012 Placement: Coach Host

Placement 4: Business Development; Specialist & Activity Sector, Brighton, UK

Placement 5: Product Development & Operations; Crystal Ski, UK & France

Placement 6: Digital Strategy; TUI Group CIO Team, London & Crawley, UK

Deborah Grieve

Placement 1: TUI Marine, Clearwater, Florida, USA

Placement 2:  TUI Travel House, Crawley, UK

Placement 3: TCS & Starquest and Zegrahm Expeditions, Seattle, USA

Olympics Placement: Sportsworld, London, UK

Placement 4: JCA, Port Solent, UK

Placement 5: SkiBound, Les Menuires, France

Placement 6: TUI Marine, Port Solent, UK

Laura Hampton

Placement 1: Marketing, Real Gap, Tunbridge Wells, UK

Placement 2: Finance, Quark Expeditions, Toronto, Canada

Placement 3: Commercial, Specialist Holidays Group, Crawley, UK

London 2012 Placement: Lead Coach Host, Sportsworld, London, UK

Placement 4 & 5: Business Development, TUI North America, Seattle, USA

Placement 6: Product Development, Crystal Ski, Surbiton, UK

Jennifer O’Gorman

Placement 1: TUI Travel House, Crawley, UK

Placement 2: Project/Events Management for Street Kids World Cup Charity Ball, Sport Division, Wimbledon, UK

Placement 3: Ecommerce, TUI Marine, Florida, USA

London 2012 Placement: Ticketing and Operations

Placement 4: Commercial, Specialist Holidays Group, Crawley, UK

Placement 5: Business Development, TUI North America, Seattle, USA

Kelly Roche

Placement 1: iExplore, Brighton, UK

Placement 2: Specialist Holidays Group, Various Locations, Austria & France

Placement 3: Marine Division, Wimbledon and Port Solent, UK

London 2012 Placement: Lead Coach Host

Placement 4: ELC, Brighton, UK

Placement 5: TUI North American Education, Boston, USA

2010 Intake…

Ali Randall:

Placement 1: Sawadee, Adventure Division; Amsterdam, Netherlands

Placement 2: Jumpstreet, Education Division; Montreal, Canada

Placement 3: Crystal, Specialist Holiday Group; Kingston, UK

Placement 4: Sector Business Development Team (reporting to John Wimbleton), Crawley, UK

Placement 5: Project/Events Management for Street Kids World Cup Charity Ball, Sport Division, UK

Ben Ireland:

Placement 1: Sports Division – Product and distribution review; various locations around the UK.

Placement 2: Sector business development; Crawley, UK

Placement 3: TUI Marine, Clearwater; Florida, USA

Placement 4: Masterclass, Education Division, Kingston, UK

Placement 5: North American Specialist Division, Seattle, USA

Guy Bromley:

Placement 1: Marine Division – Marketing, Distribution & E-Commerce; Clearwater, Florida, USA

Placement 2: Adventure Tours Australia, Adventure Division; Adelaide, Australia

Placement 3: E-commerce, Sector placement; Brighton, UK

Placement 4: Commercial Team, SHG, Crawley, UK

Janet Galbraith:

Placement 1: Specialist Holidays Group – Purchasing; Crawley, UK

Placement 2: Quark Expeditions, North American Specialist – Strategy project; Toronto, Canada

Placement 3: Language Schools Portfolio, Education division; Edinburgh, UK

Placement 4: E-Commerce, Sector Team, Brighton, UK

Placement 5: Merchandising & Brand Sponsorship, Marine Division, UK

Jon Curtis:

Placement 1: Crystal Ski, Specialist Holidays Group- Web Development; Kingston, UK

Placement 2: Sector Marketing Placement; Crawley, UK

Placement 3: Distribution, TUI Sport; Wimbledon, UK

Placement 4: Sales & Marketing, TCS Starquest, Seattle, USA

Placement 5: Operations & Marketing, TUI Marine, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

Pete Buckley:

Placement 1: JCA, Education Division – Project Management; Port Solent, UK

Placement 2: Sports Division; Manchester, UK

Placement 3: Finance, Sector placement; Crawley, UK

Placement 4: Marketing, TUI Marine, Clearwater, Florida, USA

Placement 5: Sales, SHG Division, Crawley, UK

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